JSC Turbonasos
Launch vehicle manufacturing
Hardware for launch vehicles
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JSC Turbonasos was founded in 1992 and is the modern research-production company being part of the Federal Space Agency with 100% shares state-owned.
While developing and manufacturing turbopumps and electric-driven pumps for the Federal Space Agency and the Department of Defense, the company is also engaged in the development and manufacturing of modern high-technology industrial equipment.
On-demand of the following customers such as JSC Norilsk Nickel, JSC Transneft, JSC Lukoil, JSC Rosneft, JSC PriargunMining were developed, and manufactured chemical, oil, multiphase, slurry pumping unites, automated multiphase pumping stations, hydro cyclones, gas ejectors, locking and regulating valves and other equipment.
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