EO provider
EO VAS company
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The Institute for Space Research of the Earth (IKIZ) is a Russian company founded in 2012 with the support of the Skolkovo Fund. The company provides high-tech information services for remote assessment and monitoring of terrestrial biological resources based on satellite systems of sensing from space and automated methods of processing data obtained by them.
The main service the company offers is a subscription to its VEGA-PRO analytical platform providing online access to a rapidly updated long-term archive of satellite data, and tools for its comprehensive analysis.
The effectiveness of the company’s technological solutions, which determines its competitive advantages and unique position in the Russian and international market for Earth remote sensing services, is ensured by the use of a number of “know-how” and original developments. These developments include technologies for working with super-large (tens of petabytes) long-term archives of satellite data, technologies for automatic recognition of vegetation types based on locally adaptive algorithms, technologies for monitoring the state of vegetation and automatic detection of anomalies of their development based on long-term series of satellite data, technologies for assessing various quantitative and qualitative characteristics of vegetation cover.
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