Russian space companies and projects

#Name of the company / organizationVerticalSegmentCompany websiteOwnership typeCountry of registrationConnection with Russia
1Advanced Propulsion Systems LLCSC hardwareElectric Propulsion for SChttps://advancedpropulsions.comPrivateRURU founder
2Aerospace Capital (Russia)LV hardwareCubeSats and SmallSats separation systems (Deploer)https://aerospacecapital.ruPrivateRURU company
3Aerospace EquipmentSC hardwareHardware for space exploration and military usehttps://aequipment.ruPrivateRURU company
4Agro SignalEO VAS companyVAS agrohttps://agrosignal.comPrivateRURU company
5Asgardia Independent Research Center GmbhR&DR&D SChttps://steamjet.spacePrivateATRU founder
6Astra SpaceLV manufacturerLV manufacturerhttps://astra.comPrivateUSRU investors
7Astro DigitalSC operatorEO constellationhttps://astrodigital.comPrivateUSRU founder
8AstronomikonSC manufacturerManufacture of nanosatellites and ultra-small spacecraftshttps://astronomikon.ruPrivateRURU company
9Augur RosAeroSystemsAirshipsHigh Altitude Airshiphttps://rosaerosystems.comPrivateRURU company
10Avant SpaceSC operatorAdvertising from spacehttps://avantspace.comPrivateRURU company
11AzmeritSC hardware
LV hardware
Developer of star trackershttps://azmerit.ruPrivateRURU company
12Berd Electromechanical PlantSC hardware
LV hardware
Electronics for LV and SC Control system and giroscopszenno.spaceGovRURC company
13Breakthrough InitiativesR&DUniverse exploration
Astronomical observations uncrew spaceflight
breakthroughinitiatives.orgPrivaten/aRU founder
14Center for Operation of Ground Space Infrastructure Facilities (TsENKI JSC)Ground segmentOperator of cosmodrom
Opetator of ground segment
www.russian.spaceGovRURC company
15Central Research Institute of Mechanical EngineeringMission control centerMission control center
Analytical center
www.tsniimash.ruGovRURC company
16Commercial Space Technologies Ltd.Launch agregatorLanunch in RU
17Dauria AerospaceSC manufacturerManufactures of satelliteswww.dauria.ruPrivateRURU company
18DBCE (Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering)LV enginesLV and SC chemical engineskbhmisaeva.ruGovRURC company
19DestinusProduction of a hypersonic aircraftHypersonic aircraftdestinus.chPrivateCHRU founder
20Energy SATSC hardwarespacecraft hardwaren/aPrivateRUJV with RU company
21ExactFarmingEO VAS companyVAS agroexactfarming.comPrivateRU RU company
22ExolaunchLaunch agregatorHardware for separation of SC form LV OTV manufacturerexolaunch.comPrivateDERU founder
RU TOP management
23Federal State Enterprise "Scientific Testing Center of the Rocket and Space Industry"R&DTesting Laboratory
Hardware for LV add SC ground testing
www.nic-rkp.ruGovRURC company
24FSBI "NII TsPK named after Yu. A. Gagarin"Astronaut trainingAstronaut trainingwww.gctc.ruGovRURC company
25GamayaEO VAS companyVAS agrowww.gamaya.comPrivateCHRU founder
RU TOP management
26JSC Gazprom Space Systems (GKS)Satellite communicationSatcomm provider
Operator of satcomm Yamal
www.gazprom-spacesystems.ruGovRURU company
27GEO ALLIANCEEO VAS companyEO VAS service Image processing and analysis softwaregeo-alliance.ruPrivateRURU company
28GEOKHISC hardwareScientific payloadwww.geokhi.ruGovRURU company
29Geoscan TechnologiesSC hardware
Space science
Earthquake forecasting
Manufacturing of communication devices and systems for SC
www.geoscan.orgPrivateRURU company
30German Orbital SystemsSC manufacturer
SC hardware
SC electronicswww.orbitalsystems.dePrivateDERU founder
31GK Launch ServicesLauncherStellite launching services www.gklaunch.ruPrivateRURU company
32Gonets Satellite SystemSC operator
Satellite communication
Sattelite communication providerwww.gonets.ruPrivateRURU company
33IkizEO VAS companyVAS companywww.iki-z.ruPrivateRURU company
34ImageAiryMarketplaceMarketplace for EOwww.imageairy.comPrivateRURU company
35Industrial Geodetic SystemsGNSS serviceSoftware and hardware technology for GNSS technologieswww.geosystems.aeroPrivateRURU company
36InnoterEO VAS companyEO VAS serviceinnoter.comPrivateRURU company
37Institute of Physics of the Earth named after O.Yu. SchmidtSC hardwareScientific payloadwww.ifz.ruGovRURU company
38International Space Comapny KosmotrasLaunch agregatorLaunch agregator (LV Soyuz)www.kosmotras.ruPrivateRURU company
39IntersputnikSatellite communication
SC manufacturer
Satellite communication provider
International organisation of satellite communication
Supplier of satellite capacity (GEO)
Cooperation for building
telecommunications satellites
www.intersputnik.intPrivateRUoffice in RU
40ISS ReshetnevSC manufacturerSC manufacturer separation system for SmallSatwww.iss-reshetnev.comGovRURC company
41Izhevsk Radio PlantSC hardware
LV hardware
Security control communications navigation devices for LV and SCwww.irz.ruGovRURC company
42Joint Venture (Gonets / OneWeb)Satellite communicationJV for Satellite communicationn/aPrivateRUJV with RU company
43JSC "AK "NEW COSMOS" SC manufacturer SC manufacturerxn--b1aodibgdbzc7h.xn--p1aiPrivateRURU company
44JSC "Corporation "Strategic Control Points""Ground segmentDeveloper and manufacturer of ground space segmentckbtm.orgGovRURC company
45JSC "Corporation" VNIIEM"SC hardware
LV hardware
EO system designe
LV hardware SC hardware EO system designewww.vniiem.ruGovRURC company
46JSC "Design Bureau of Chemical Automation"LV enginesChemical engines for LV and military rocketswww.kbkha.ruGovRURC company
47JSC "Integral"SC hardwareElectronics for SCintegral.byGovBYBelarus company
48JSC "Izhevsk Motor Plant "Aksion-Holding"SC hardware
LV hardware
Electronics for LV and SCwww.axion.ruGovRURC company
49JSC "Organization" Agat "R&DResearch Institute
Feasibility study of space programs
agat-roscosmos.ruGovRURC company
50JSC "Peleng"SC hardwareOptoelectronic payloadpeleng.byGovBYBelarus company
51JSC "Ramenskoye instrument-making design ofice"SC hardwareElectronics for SCrpkb.kret.comGovRURU company
52JSC "Research Institute of Microdevices named after. G.Ya. Guskov"SC hardwareCommunication equipmentniimp.ruGovRURU company
53JSC "Russian Corporation of Rocket and Space Instrumentation and Information Systems"Operator of GLONAS constellation
SC hardware
Operator of GNSS constellation GLONAS
Electronics for SC
www.russianspacesystems.ruGovRURC company
54JSC "Scientific and Production Center for Automation and Instrumentation named after Academician N. A. Pilyugin" ("NPTSAP")SC hardware
LV hardware
Development and production of control systemswww.npcap.ruGovRURC company
55JSC "SNIB "ELBRUS"GIS technologyGIS technology EO Image processingmap.perm.ruPrivateRURU company
56JSC "STR Makeev"SC manufacturer
LV manufacturer
SC manufacturer LV manufacturer Development of rocket and space complexeswww.makeyev.ruGovRURC company
57JSC "TsNIRTI im. Academician A.I. Berg SC hardwareElectronic surveillance systemsxn--h1aannku.xn--p1aiGovRURC company
58JSC AvangardSC hardwareComposite structureswww.ktrv.ruGovRURU company
59JSC Corporation "Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering"LV manufacturerLV and military missiles designercorp-mit.ruGovRURC company
60JSC NPK BARLSC manufacturer
EO products
Ground segment
SC manufacturer
EO products
Ground segment
www.barl.ruPrivateRURU founder
61JSC NPO Tekhnomash named after S.A. AfanasyevSpace complex designingSpace complex designingtmnpo.ruGovRURC company
62JSC NPP "Geophysics-Cosmos"SC hardwareOptoelectronics for orientation and navigation systemswww.geofizika-cosmos.ruGovRURC company
63JSC NPP KvantSC hardware
LV hardware
Manufacturer of Energy system (solar panels batteries)www.npp-kvant.ruGovRURC company
64JSC OrbitaSC hardwareElectronics for SCorbitaenvo.ruGovRURU company
65JSC Proton-PM (part of the Perm Engine Building Complex)LV enginesChemical engines for LV protonpm.ruGovRURC company
66JSC Research Institute of Fine MechanicsSC hardwareSC electronicswww.niitm.spb.ruGovRURC company
67JSC Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (NIIMash)LV enginesChemical engines for LV www.niimashspace.ruGovRURC company
68JSC TurbopumpLV hardwareTurbopumpsturbonasos.ruGovRURC company
69JSC Ufa Aggregate Enterprise "Gidravlika"LV hardwareParts of pneumohydraulic systemswww.gidravlika-ufa.ruGovRURU company
70JSC VympelGround segmentElectronics radio telescopes space object tracking system ballistic missile tracking systemmacvympel.ruGovRURU company
71Keldysh Research CenterLV engines
Ground segment
LV engines and energy
Ground LV complex
kerc.msk.ruGovRURC company
72Khrunichev State Space Research and Production CenterLauncherLV manufacturingwww.khrunichev.comGovRURC company
73KosmoLabSC designing
SC hardware
LV hardware
Manufacturing CubeSat Deploers and SmallSat separation systems
Design bureau
www.kosmolab.ruPrivateRURU company
74Kosmos Komplekt LLCSC hardwareElectronics for SCcoscom.ruPrivateRURU company
75Krasnogorsk Zverev PlantSC hardwareManufacture of electronic instruments: optical electronic scientific photographic and remote sensing instrumentswww.zenit-foto.ruPrivateRURU company
76Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building PlantLV partsBasic upper stage modules for launch vehicleswww.krasm.comGovRURC company
77Lin IndustrialLauncher
SC manufacturer
LV manufacturer OTV manufacturerspacelin.ruPrivateRURU founder
78LLC EcoTrasGround segmentGround services for SCecotras.ruGovRURU company
LV hardware
LV and SC hardwaren/aPrivateRURU company
80LoReTTGround segmentDeveloper of equipment and technologies for receiving data from satelliteswww.lorett.orgPrivateRURU company
81Machine Building Plant ArsenalSC manufacturer
Parts for LV engines
Naval artillery and launcher systems
Manufacturer of SC intended for radiophysical research of the earth's surface
Solid propellant rocket engines ballistic missiles parts for LV engines
www.mzarsenal.comGovRURC company
82MegaradSC hardwareDeveloper of radiation hardened integrated circuits for satellite megarad.orgPrivateRURU company
83Military-Industrial Corporation "Scientific and Production Association of Mechanical Engineering"R&DDevelopment of LV SC
Developer of a full range of rocket and space technology
www.npomash.ruGovRURU company
84MomentusSC manufacturerOTV manufacturermomentus.spacePublicUSRU founder
85Moscow Experimental Design Bureau "Mars"SC hardware
LV hardware
Launch comlex hardware
Electronics for: LV SC Ground Launch complexwww.mokb-mars.ruGovRURC company
86Moskovskiy Nauchno Issledovatelskiy-Institut RadiosvyaziSC hardwareCommunication equipmentmniis.ruGovRURU company
87Moskovskiy TeleportGround segment
Satellite communication
Provider of satellite communication serviceswww.mteleport.ruPrivateRURU representative
88MPEI Special Design BureauSC hardware
Ground segment
Antenna systemswww.okbmei.ruGovRURC company
89National Academy of Sciences of BelarusSC hardwareSC company
90Navigation-Information SystemsTerrestrial serviceProvider of satellite navigation services
www.nis-glonass.ruPublicRURU company
91NIAI SourceSC hardware
LV hardware
Сhemical sources of electric (Battery)niai.ruGovRURC company
92NPO "Iskra"LV hardwareSolid fuel engineswww.npoiskra.ruGovRURC company
93NPO Automation named after Academician N. A. SemikhatovSC hardware
LV hardware
Manufacturer of control systems and electronic equipment www.npoa.ruGovRURC company
94NPO ElectromechanicsLV hardwareGiroscopswww.ktrv.ruGovRURU company
95NPO Energomash named after V.P. GlushkoLV enginesManufacturer of LV chemical liquid engineswww.npoenergomash.ruGovRURC company
96NPO measuring technologySC hardware
LV hardware
Manufacturer of telemetric and sensor equipment microelectronicswww.npoit.ruGovRURC company
97NPO named after S.A. LavochkinSC manufacturer
SC hardware
SC and components manufacturer www.laspace.ruGovRURC company
98NPO SvyazProektSC hardware
Satellite communication
Scientific payload
Satcomm network designer
nposp.ruGovRURU company
99NPP ZvezdaSC hardwareHardware for human-manned spacecraftswww.zvezda-npp.ruGovRURC company
100OKB FakelSC manufacturer
Hardware for spacecraft
SC and components manufacturer
Chemicals and Electrical propulsion
fakel-russia.comGovRURC company
101OnesoilEO VAS companyVAS agroonesoil.aiPrivateCHRU founder
Belarusian founder
RU TOP management
RU investors
102Orbital ExpressSC operator
SC manufacturer
Developer of an OTV and in-orbit service SCwww.orbital.expressPrivateRURU company
103Orbital technologiesLaunch agregatorLaunch agregatorn/aPrivateRURU company
104PJSC KuznetsovLV enginesLV engines www.uec-kuznetsov.ruGovRURC company
105PJSC SaturnSC hardwareBatteries for satelliteswww.saturn-kuban.ruGovRURU company
106Plazma SkSC hardwareProvider of nano-structured coating for communications satellites -PrivateRURU company
107PlutonSC hardwareManufacturer of development of electrovacuum microwave deviceswww.pluton.msk.ruPublicRURU company
108Precision Instrumentation SystemsSC hardwareDeveloper and manufacturer of quantum-optical and optoelectronic systemswww.npk-spp.ruGovRURC company
109Precious PayloadSC manufacturerSupply chain preciouspayload.comPrivateUSUAERU founder
110Production and design enterprise "IRIS"Ground segmentControl system for Launch complexwww.pkpiris.ruGovRURC company
111Production Association "Flight"LV manufacturer
SC manufacturer
LV SC manufacturingwww.polyot.suGovRURC company
112PSJ GlavkosmosLV hardware
SC hardware
Launch agregator
EO data
Foreign economic activity of Roskosmos
SC electronics
EO data distributor
LV hardware distributor
www.glavkosmos.comGovRURC company
113QSpace TechnologiesSC manufacturerManufacturer of communication SC (CubeSat SmallSat)n/aPrivateRURU company
114RBC SignalsGround segmentGround communication stationsm Spectrum monitoring Space Domain Awarenessrbcsignals.comPrivateUSRU founder
115Research and Production Association NaukaSC hardwareManufacturer of spacecraft life support systems www.npo-nauka.ruPublicRURU company
116Research and Production Association MolniyaDesign bureauDevelopment and manufacturing samples of aerospace and rocket technologywww.npomolniya.ruGovRURU company
117Research and Production Center "Polyus" SC hardwareElectronics for SCpolus-tomsk.ruGovRURC company
118Research and Production Complex "Alternative Energy"LV hardware
SC hardware
Electrical power sources for LV and SCwww.npk-alten.ruGovRURC company
119Research and Production Corporation "REKOD"GIS technologyGIS technology-GovRURC company
120Research and production organization "Orion"SC hardwareMmicrophotoelectronics for optoelectronic systemswww.orion-ir.ruGovRURC company
121Research Center "AeroKos"SC hardwareElectronics for SC and aircraftn/aPrivateRURU company
122Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring (RSS)SC operatorOperator EO SC
EO service provider
www.ntsomz.ruGovRURU company
123Research Institute "Submicron"LV hardware
SC hardware
Electronics for LV and SCsubmicron.ruGovRURC company
124Research Institute of Command InstrumentsLV hardware
SC hardware
Manufacturer of control systems for LV SC niicom.ruGovRURC company
125Research Institute of Space InstrumentationSC manufacturerManufacturing electronics and antennas Radhard electronicsorkkniikp.ruGovRURC company
126RK-Tsifra LLCDigital servicesDigital transformation of the Roscosmosroscosmos.digitalGovRURC company
127Rocket and space center "Progress"Ground segment
LV complex design
Developer of space rocket complexsamspace.ruGovRURC company
128RoscosmosAll space verticalsAll space verticalswww.roscosmos.ruGovRURU company
129RusnavgeosetGNSS serviceSoftware and hardware technology for GNSS servicewww.rusnavgeo.ruPrivateRURU company
130S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation EnergiaLV hardware
SC hardware
Developers of a full range of rocket and space technology - launch vehicles satellites automatic interplanetary stations manned spacecraft manned orbital stations and their modules military ballistic cruise and other missileswww.energia.ruPublicRURC company
131S7 SpaceLaunch agregatorLaunch agregators7space.ruPrivateRURU company
132ScanexGround segment
EO software
Ground segment
EO software
www.scanex.ruPrivateRURU company
133Scientific and Practical Center for Materials ScienceSpecial materialsRad-hard shieldwww.physics.byGovBYBelarus company
134SeraphimVCInvestment fundseraphim.vcPrivateGBRU advisor
RU shareholder
135Siberian devices and systemsLV hardware
SC hardware
Control system for LV SC Spacecraft orientation and stabilization systemswww.sibpribor.ruGovRURC company
136SinertekSC hardwareSC electronicsseraphim.vcPrivateRUJV with RU company
137Skolkovo Innovation CenterR&DScientific and technological complex
Incubator for technology companies
skolkovo-resident.ruPrivateRURU company
138SovzondEO VAS companyEO VAS servicesovzond.ruPrivateRURU company
139Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI RAS)SC hardware Deep space cameras
Star tracker
Scientific instruments
www.iki.rssi.ruGovRURU company
140Special Purpose Space Systems Corporation "Kometa"SC manufacturer
SC operator
Research development production and operation of SC www.corpkometa.ruGovRURC company
141SputnixSC manufacturerSC and components manufacturersputnix.ruPrivateRURU company
142StartRocketSC operator
SC manufacturer
Developer of spacecraft for in-orbit servicewww.startrocket.mePrivateRURU company
143StarwellSC hardwareEngines for SCstarwell.spacePrivateRURU company
144STC "Zarya"Information SecurityInformation Security (special communication)ntc-zarya.ruGovRURC company
145StealthTransit SolutionsGround segmentGround space observation technology intended for the mitigation of bright satellite impact on astronomy www.stealthtransit.comPrivateRURU company
146SteamJet SpaceSC hardwareManufacturer of electric propulsionsteamjet.spacePrivateGBRU founder
RU TOP management
147StratonauticsLauncherSuborbital launches and Air Launchstarwell.spacePrivateRURU founder
148Success RocketsLauncher
SC manufacturer
EO VAS company
LV manufacturer
SC manufacturing
OTV manufacturing
EO VAS service
successrockets.ruPrivateRURU company
149Terra Tech (Russia)EO VAS companyEO VAS company
EO products provider
www.terratech.ruPrivateRURC company
150Trans-world Metals InternationalMetallurgyAluminum products for rockets satellites airplanesn/aPrivateRURU company
151TransAstraMining in deep spaceMining from asteroidswww.transastracorp.comPrivateUSRU founder
152Turaevskoye machine-building design bureau "Soyuz"SC hardwareChemical engineswww.tmkb-soyuz.ruGovRURU company
153UE “Geoinformation Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”SC operator
GIS technology
SC operator
GIS data provider
gis.byGovBYBelarus company
154United Rocket and Space CorporationAsset managementRoscosmos asset managementwww.rosorkk.ruGovRURC company
155Ural Research Institute of Composite Materials (UNIIKM)SC hardwareComposite structuressteamjet.spaceGovRURU company
156Voronezh Mechanical PlantRocket enginesChemical engines for aircraftwww.vmzvrn.ruGovRURC company
157Yaroslavl RadioworksSC hardwareManufacturer of radio and communication systemshttps://yarz.ruPrivateRURU company
158Zavod EleconSC hardwareManufacturer of electronic connectors and telemetry deviceshttps://zavod-elecon.ruPublicRURU company
159Zavod KomponentSC hardwareManufacturer of electronic components and equipment for satellite communications radarhttps://zavodkomponent.ruPrivateRURU company
160Zenno AstronauticsSC hardware
SC software
fuel free satellite propulsion systems (electromagnetic propulsion)http://zenno.spacePrivateNZRU founder
RU TOP management
161Zlatoust Machine Building PlantLV hardwareBrake propulsion systems for LVhttp://zlatmash.ruGovRURU
162Promin AerospaceLV manufacturingLV manufacturer
PrivateUARU investor
  • EO – Earth observation
  • GIS – Geographic Information System
  • GNSS – Global Navigation Satellite System
  • Gov – governmental
  • LV – launch vehicle
  • RC – Roscosmos
  • R&D – research and development
  • SC – spacecraft
  • VAS – Value Adding Services

The Russian space sector comprises over 150 government and private companies and over a dozen companies that are registered abroad but have strong ties to Russia. Many of those companies were deeply involved in international space cooperation on government and private levels. This cooperation continued for decades, even despite the first sanctions against Russia imposed in 2014 when Russia started the war in Ukraine and annexed Crimea. Cooperation with the Russian space sector continued after Russia destroyed the Cosmos-1408 satellite in 2021. Its explosion has resulted in over 1,500 pieces of space debris posing a threat to ISS and other satellites. International partners ignored the fact that Roscomos itself is an integral part of Russia’s war machine. For example, it’s currently working on producing 46 intercontinental ballistic missiles. Another fact that remained ignored for a long time despite all the compliance rules was the unprecedented level of corruption in Roscosmos and the Russian space sector. Besides other cases, a vivid illustration of misconduct was the scandal involving the Vostochny cosmodrome project, where $170 million were stolen.

The global shift in attitude towards Russia and its space sector happened on February 24, 2022, when Russia started a full-scale war against Ukraine. Governments and international organisations imposed numerous waves of sanctions against the Russian Federation; at the same time, hundreds of international companies started eliminating connections to the “Russian world”. Space businesses and space programs also experienced the consequences of Russia’s war and sanctions. British-Indian OneWeb has stopped using Russian launch services and found a replacement for the Soyuz rocket. The European Space Agency has suspended the ExoMars programme that was developed with Russian participation. Sweden has cancelled the launch of its research satellite on the Soyuz rocket. German DLR Aerospace Center has switched off its eROSITA telescope aboard the Russia-built Spectr-RG satellite orbiting Earth. Japanese Synspective ceased all Russian Soyuz satellite missions. These are only some examples of the global trend in which the space companies of the civilised world cut cooperation with Russian barbarians.

There are three main reasons for the companies from the civilised world to suspend cooperation with Russian space. First of all, such cooperation is partly prohibited due to numerous sanctions imposed against Russia by the US, EU, NATO member states and other countries. The second reason is reputation, as financing the Russian space industry by exporting technologies and products of the space sector actually means providing money and resources Russians use to fuel the war and sponsoring murders of innocent people in Ukraine. It’s worth mentioning that according to some estimates, Roscosmos earns about $400 million or more annually for the delivery of NASA astronauts to the ISS, Lockheed Martin has paid over $1 billion for the Russian 101 RD-180 engines, and every launch of the Soyuz vehicle costs around $40 million. The third reason is to prevent industrial espionage and leaks of space technologies and intellectual property to Russia. This project aims to provide the whole picture of the Russian space sector and details on each company that is a part of the Russian space scene or works for Russian space but pretends to be a Western company. Now, the international partners, analysts, journalists and civil society can quickly get the necessary information on Russian space companies and check their partners, subsidiaries and clients. We believe it would help to make informed decisions about existing or potential partnerships and cooperation and further promote the total isolation of Russian space companies and their space sector.